“Stress Less - Achieve More” for Individuals, Groups & Teams

Mental Fitness

Unlike most training programs that often yield temporary improvements, this program goes beyond mere ideas and insights to ensure lasting results. It recognizes that sustained change requires more than just theoretical knowledge – it necessitates daily exercises and practice to succeed.  

This ground-breaking program is based on the world-renowned PQ (Positive Intelligence) program which has greatly benefited more than a million participants in 50 countries. Many of these participants are from small companies as well as from Fortune 100 companies including Microsoft, Google, P&G and HP.

By addressing pain points such as overwhelm, conflict, and lack of resilience, this program lays the foundation for positive change within individuals, teams and companies. Enhanced engagement, reduced turnover and diminished burnout organically follow once these foundational aspects are strengthened.

Here are the latest stats on the impact of this program on individuals and teams in companies around the world:   

  •  91% of attendees reported better stress management. 
  •  92% experienced improved teamwork and collaboration. 
  •  97% reported enhanced empathy. 
  •  83% reported increased confidence. 
  •  84% mentioned improved conflict management skills. 

This comprehensive eight-week program includes: 

  •  Seven 1-hour weekly online training videos that provide valuable knowledge and practical techniques. 
  •  Eight 1-hour weekly group debrief calls to reinforce learning and facilitate group discussions. 
  •  15 minutes of daily PQ App-based practices that ensure consistent application and habit formation. 

In addition to this foundational program, I also offer more in-depth programs specifically tailored for sales teams and leadership teams. These programs build upon the foundational learnings, taking them to the next level and addressing the unique needs and dynamics of these teams. If you're ready to experience lasting transformation and unlock you and your company’s full potential, please reach out through LinkedIn or by email at [email protected].


“This has been the most impactful training I have ever experienced. You develop powerful mental muscles to deal with challenges with much less stress and greater clarity, creativity, and resilience. Every sales professional would benefit greatly from this.” - Adam McGraw, Sales VP & GM, American Express  

"Most of the training I’ve done fizzle out very quickly. I started this program a year ago and its impact on me keeps growing.  It has been life changing on so many levels. "I’m so much more effective and have so much less stress in every area of my life — from blowing past revenue targets at work, to far more fulfilling relationships at home."  - Bruce Zali, VP of Sales & Marketing, Promise Technology

For more on PQ and Positive Intelligence, visit: https://www.positiveintelligen...

Reach out for questions: [email protected] or cell: 416-706-5389