About Me

2 As a leader of sales and recruitment professionals earlier in my career, I became fascinated by how individuals responded to opportunities and challenges. While some would be derailed emotionally and lose productivity, others embraced a growth mindset, learning from their experiences and achieving unprecedented success.

My curiosity inspired the launch of "Work Play Thrive" in 2018. My personal and professional development work is based on the world-renowned PQ (Positive Intelligence) program which has included more than a million participants in 50 countries. Many of these participants are from Fortune 100 companies including Microsoft, Google, P&G and HP.

This ground-breaking program impacts wellbeing, performance and relationships at their core, surpassing the tactical, step-by-step instructions in traditional training programs. By addressing individual pain points such as overwhelm, relationship issues and fear of business development, this program lays the foundation for positive change within teams and companies. Enhanced engagement, reduced turnover and diminished burnout naturally follow once these foundational aspects are strengthened.

Based on three decades of corporate sales and leadership experience in technology and staffing industries, I know firsthand the many stresses and challenges that individuals and organizations face. I held progressive leadership roles at Randstad Canada for close to 15 years. I was also a career transition coach at the Talent Company where I had the opportunity to work with dozens of managers, directors and senior executives.

I strongly believe that people who live their lives as their authentic and fulfilled selves, not only do better and feel better, but also inspire others to do the same. This contributes to a cycle of engagement and growth in organizations and communities which is highly motivating for me.

If you're ready to experience lasting transformation and unlock your and your company’s full potential, please reach out through LinkedIn or by email at [email protected]. Together, let's cultivate the resilience, clarity and focus you need to thrive personally and professionally.

Specialties: Performance coaching, wellbeing coaching, leadership development, stress management, resilience building, peak performance strategies, mindset mastery and sales transformation.

Certification & Assessments:
• CPCC, Certified Professional Coactive Coach - CTI
• ACC, Associate Certified Coach - ICF
• Certified Mental Fitness PQ Coach - Positive Intelligence
• PQ Score and PQ Saboteur Assessments 
• B.Eng. - University of Singapore

For more, check out my LinkedIn Profile: linkedin.com/in/lifeleadershipcoachharesh